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Featured project

AI artist

A gallery of abstract art generated by a Generative Adversarial Neural network (GAN). 


Combining computer science with art and creativity.

PyTorch, Cuda, Google Colab

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Featured project

NLP paper

Researched ways to improve speech-to-text technology by training a machine learning model to restore the missing punctuation in transcribed speech.

PyTorch, Huggingface, NLTK, T5

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Featured project

Chess Engine

Created a chess engine capable of playing at the level of a professional human player (FIDE master). This engine was used for a man vs. machine tournament at my schools chess club.

Java, AWS

Fun project!

Dog doorbell

Created a camera system that uses computer vision to alert me when my dog wants to come inside the house.

Python, OpenCV, Raspberry pi, Arduino


Community service project

Covid-19 Screening forms

Streamlined the Covid-19 pre-screening procedure for my public school with 1,000 students by automating the processing of parent questionnaires.


Used Javascript and Google App Script to automatically process hundreds of forms submitted by students’ parents.

Javascript, Google App Script, Google Sheets

Resource database

Community service project

Teacher resource database

Developed a database for teachers to store teaching resources (links, lesson plans, etc.) that is easily searchable and sharable.

Implemented the database as an interface to Google Sheets with the Google Suite API in order to make the database easily accessible to teachers through a tool they are familiar with.

Implemented keyword search and fuzzy search in Javascript, to allow teachers to quickly find resources.

Javascript, Google App Script, Google Sheets


Independent projects

Programming language from scratch

Gained a better understanding of how programming languages work by creating one.

Studied the theoretic foundations of programming languages syntax, including Backus–Naur form and abstract syntax trees.

Implemented a simple interpreted programming language in C++.


C++, ABS


Independent project

Computer processor from scratch

Gained a better understanding of how computers operate by designing and building a breadboard CPU.

Developed the CPU’s circuit design based on the SAP-1 computer architecture and made a set of schematics with CAD.

Built the CPU from integrated circuits (logic gates/latches).


CAD, circuit design


Independent project

"Ludus learn" - virtual remote school

Created a website that hosted virtual reality lessons for "google cardboard" devices.


Produced educational VR content with Blender 3D


Deployed website with AWS on apache webserver.

Blender, Apache, AWS


Independent project

Fractal visualization

Created a vizulaiztion of the Mandelbrot/Julia sets (see video).


Used Numpy for parallel computation to increase preformance.


Rendered videos of fractals with ffmpeg

Numpy, ffmpeg, matplotlib


Independent project

Music classification

Attempted to classify which genera a song belong to through classical machine learning techniques.


Used librosa to extract features of songs and sklearn for dimensionality reduction (PCA) and classifcation.


Visualized the differences between features of songs with matplotlib.

libroas, sklearn, matplotlib

While spending time with my grandmother, I learned of her difficulties making precise hand movements due to arthritis. This led me to my new project.


I implemented an interface that allows a user to manipulate 3d objects through hand movements alone, leveraging a camera and machine learning algorithms to evaluate hand gestures. 

Python, OpenCV

Hand tracking project

Independent project

hand tracking
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